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Dr. LaLa Cho here! I am a Maryland native and a graduate of UMBC (Go Retrievers!) I got to enjoy the Florida sun for a few years, where I graduated from the University of Saint Augustine Florida, with a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy in 2013.

Over the 10+ years of my career, I’ve gained experience in outpatient orthopedics, clinic management, home health, skilled nursing facility, pelvic floor therapy and pediatrics. I have spent most of my PT career in orthopedics & pelvic health…it is truly where my passion lies!

Aside from being a pelvic floor physical therapist & a postpartum exercise specialist, I am a wife & mother of two loving and lively kiddos (2.5 and a 5 year old)! I deeply understand the physical (not to mention the mental & emotional) challenges motherhood presents. And, to be quite honest, my body (& overall health) has been through so much more than I have EVER expected postpartum. 

As hard as postpartum was for me, it helped me become a better pelvic floor physical therapist. It pushed me to dive into more research to understand my own symptoms but also, brought more into light the importance of self care, mental wellness & nutrition. ALL these things matter when trying to get better!

I strongly believe in the mind-body connection, the mindful intention of how we move & function, the whole body approach with compassionate care and a sense of support when treating any physical issues. I have found such success in this approach and I want to share as much of it as I can, hence 4th Trimester Physical Therapy was born. 

The most important thing about me.... I opened my practice & I am who I am today greatly because of all the moms I have met along my journey and continue to meet. I am forever grateful for the words of wisdom, their listening ears, the comic relief, the many Q&A sessions, the push to pursue my dream and the trust they put in me to provide their care. So I hope to help others going through the same journey.

Fun Facts About Me. 

Making coffee brings me too much joy! I love trying different beans with spices to pefect the best cup of joe! Maybe when I am finished with my career as a PT, you may see me at your local coffee shop as your barista!

I have an obsession with Korean skincare.​

I'm a HUGGGGE fan of Beyoncé + Bruno Mars!

I will rarely have matching socks on. Even my kids socks don't match, this momma cuts any corners when it comes to laundry!​


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